1. The grey partridge (Perdix perdix) is a species of bird that is found on farmland. Sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus) and buzzards (Buteo buteo) are birds of prey that kill and feed on birds, including grey partridge. The number of grey partridges in a region of southern England was monitored from 1970 to 2004. The numbers of sparrowhawks and buzzards, seen from sampling positions during regular observation periods, were counted. The results are shown in the graph below.
(a) Outline the trends, over the period of time shown in the graph, in the number of grey partridges, buzzards and sparrowhawks.
Grey partridges:
The density of grey partridge (number per square kilometre) varied considerably in different areas within the study region. The graph below shows the correlation between the density of grey partridges and the density of birds of prey.
(b) (i) Identify the correlation between the density of grey partridges and birds of prey.
(ii) Suggest a hypothesis to account for this correlation.
The highest density of birds of prey was found in areas used for recreational shooting. In these areas, other species of partridge were bred and released. Food and shelter were provided for the released birds. These measures tended to increase the number of both released and wild birds.
The causes of death of grey partridge were investigated in one of the areas that was used for recreational shooting. The pie chart below shows the causes of death.
(c) (i) Calculate the percentage of deaths due to birds of prey.
(ii) Using the data provided, discuss the causes of the correlation between the density of grey partridges and the density of birds of prey.
(d) Suggest a conservation measure that would be most likely to prevent the extinction of grey partridges from southern England.