A1. When assessing a patient’s health, doctors very often calculate their body mass index (BMI).This is can be done using a nomogram as shown below.
(a) State the equation used to calculate the BMI including its units.
(b) (i) Identify the mass above which a man whose height is 185 cm would be classified as obese.
(ii) A woman whose height is 167 cm has a mass of 78 kg. Calculate the minimum mass she should lose in order to have a normal BMI.
(c) A woman and a man both have a height of 170 cm. The woman has a mass of 30 kg and the man has a mass of 104 kg.
(i) Identify, using the nomogram, the BMI of both people.
The woman:
The man:
(ii) Identify a possible cause of the BMI being too high or too low in the woman and in the man.
The woman:
The man:
(d) Individuals whose appetite control centre does not function properly find it harder to avoid obesity. Outline the function of the appetite control centre.
A2. (a) Outline the difference in the molecular structure between
(i) saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.cis and trans unsaturated fatty acids.
(b) The normal recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 50 mg to 100 mg. Linus Pauling (1901–1994) advocated consuming 1000 mg of vitamin C daily to avoid catching the common cold.
(i) State one use of vitamin C in the body.
(ii) Suggest the possible consequences of returning to a normal daily dose of vitamin C after a period of taking large doses.
A3. According to UNICEF data, the percentage of mothers breastfeeding in developed countries fell during the 1980s and 1990s, but has begun to show a marked increase in recent years.
(a) Discuss the benefits of breastfeeding.
(b) Explain two pieces of dietary advice that might be given to someone suffering from type II diabetes.