1. A student measures the refractive index of water by shining a light ray into a transparent container.
IO shows the direction of the normal at the point where the light is incident on the container.IX shows the direction of the light ray when the container is empty. IY shows the direction of the deviated light ray when the container is filled with water.
The angle of incidence θ is varied and the student determines the position of O, X and Y for each angle of incidence.
The table shows the data collected by the student. The uncertainty in each measurement of length is ±0.1 cm.
(a) (i) Outline why OY has a greater percentage uncertainty than OX for each pair of data points.
(ii) The refractive index of the water is given by OX/OY when OX is small.
Calculate the fractional uncertainty in the value of the refractive index of water for OX = 1.8 cm.
(b) A graph of the variation of OY with OX is plotted.
(i) Draw, on the graph, the error bars for OY when OX = 1.8 cm and when OY = 5.8 cm.
(ii) Determine, using the graph, the refractive index of the water in the container for values of OX less than 6.0 cm.
(iii) The refractive index for a material is also given by sini/sini where i is the angle of incidence and r is the angle of refraction.
Outline why the graph on page 4 deviates from a straight line for large values of OX.
2. An apparatus is used to verify a gas law. The glass jar contains a fixed volume of air.Measurements can be taken using the thermometer and the pressure gauge.
The apparatus is cooled in a freezer and then placed in a water bath so that the temperature of the gas increases slowly. The pressure and temperature of the gas are recorded.
(a) The graph shows the data recorded.
Identify the fundamental SI unit for the gradient of the pressure–temperature graph.
(b) The experiment is repeated using a different gas in the glass jar. The pressure for both experiments is low and both gases can be considered to be ideal.
(i) Using the axes provided in (a), draw the expected graph for this second experiment.
(ii) Explain the shape and intercept of the graph you drew in (b)(i).
3. A student pours a canned carbonated drink into a cylindrical container after shaking the can violently before opening. A large volume of foam is produced that fills the container. The graph shows the variation of foam height with time.
(a) Determine the time taken for the foam to drop to
(i) half its initial height.
(ii) a quarter of its initial height.
(b) The change in foam height can be modelled using ideas from other areas of physics.Identify one other situation in physics that is modelled in a similar way.