1. The map shows the number, movement and distribution of refugees from the former Yugoslavia since 1991.
(a) Describe the distribution of refugees from the former Yugoslavia since 1991.
(b) Briefly explain three factors that affect the potential mobility of voluntary migrants.
(c) Identify and explain the positive impacts of immigration.
(d) Using examples, examine the problems that result from high dependency ratios.
2. The graph below shows the progress made by countries A, B and C towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals. The values range from 0 (not on target) to 100 (on target) for each of five Human Development Indicators.
(a) Define infant mortality rate.
(b) State which country is closest to reaching the target for infant mortality rate.
(c) Identify which of the three countries is most developed and justify your choice.
(d) Using located examples, explain how a lack of basic needs (food, shelter, and safe water) creates problems for some people.
(e) With reference to a country you have studied, examine how trade, aid and indebtedness have affected its economic development.