1. Changing population
The graph shows actual and projected changes in the median population age of three countries between 1960 and 2080.
(a) State the median age for Country B in the year 2000.
(b) State which country has the greatest projected increase in median age between 2010 and 2040.
(c) Explain one reason why the median age of a population could decrease.
(d) Explain one environmental consequence of one named forced migration.
Named example of forced migration:
Environmental consequence:
(e) Explain one policy designed to prevent human trafficking.
2. Global climate – vulnerability and resilience
Refer to the map on page 3 of the accompanying resource booklet.
The map shows total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
(a) Describe the regional distribution of high total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
(b) Explain two reasons why increased trade by emerging economies has led to increased greenhouse gas emissions.
(c) Explain how carbon offset schemes and carbon trading might lead to a global reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Global resource consumption and security
(a) Describe what is meant by “embedded water”.
(b) Explain two reasons why diets are changing in middle-income countries.
(c) Suggest two ways in which declining water availability might threaten a country’s energy security.