1. Populations in transition
The graph shows the predicted population pyramid for a country in 2025.
(a) Describe the predicted population structure of this country in 2025.
(b) Distinguish between a population projection and population momentum.
(c) Explain the economic impacts of an ageing population on a named country.
2. Disparities in wealth and development
The graph shows the progress made towards meeting the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for universal primary education.
(a) With reference to the graph, describe the regional trends in the progress made towards meeting the 2015 target.
(b) Suggest two reasons why developing regions have made good progress towards meeting this MDG.
(c) Explain how progress in education can help regions advance towards meeting one other MDG.
3. Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability
The diagram shows factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity in tropical rainforests.
(a) State one physical factor and one human factor not shown on the diagram that contribute to a loss of biodiversity.
1. Physical factor:
2. Human factor:
(b) Explain how any one of the factors given on the diagram contributes to a loss of biodiversity in tropical rainforests.
(c) Explain three reasons why biodiversity in tropical rainforests should be preserved.