1. Populations in transition
The graph shows the actual and projected Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death Rate for Mexico from 1900 to 2060.
(a) Define Crude Birth Rate.
(b) (i) Estimate the rate of natural increase in 2010.
(ii) State the year in which the natural increase rate is projected to become negative.
(c) Explain the meaning of the term population projection.
(d) Suggest two reasons why governments need population projections.
2. Disparities in wealth and development
The graph below shows the income distribution for two countries, A and B.
(a) State which country, A or B, has a more even distribution of total income and give a reason for your choice.
(b) Suggest two reasons why an uneven distribution of income occurs within one named country or region.
(c) Explain two ways in which remittances can help reduce disparities in the migrants’country of origin.
3. Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability
The diagram/map shows the causes and extent of soil degradation for six regions of the world.
(a) State a likely cause for X.
(b) Referring to the diagram/map, describe the global pattern of soil degradation due to overgrazing.
(c) Explain two socio-economic consequences of soil degradation.
(d) Explain one management strategy that is likely to achieve environmental sustainability.