1. Populations in transition
The map shows the percentage of women aged between 15 and 49 who are using some type of birth control.
(a) Describe the global pattern of birth control use shown on the map.
(b) Suggest two reasons why the percentage of women using some type of birth control is low in some countries.
(c) Explain two reasons why the Crude Death Rate is falling in most low-income countries.
2. Disparities in wealth and development
The graph below shows the relationship between GNI per capita in US$ and the percentage of the workforce who work in informal employment, for a selection of Latin American countries in 2012.
(a) (i) Describe the relationship shown on the graph.
(ii) Suggest two possible reasons for this relationship.
(b) Briefly explain how debt relief can reduce global disparities.
3. Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability
The diagram shows the level of poverty and the level of soil degradation in three countries.
(a) Describe the relationship between the level of poverty and the level of soil degradation shown on the diagram.
(b) Explain one strategy that has been successful in reducing soil degradation.
(c) Explain the importance of maintaining biodiversity in tropical rainforests.