Option A — Freshwater – issues and conflicts
1. The diagram shows competing water demands and water conflict in a river basin.
(a) State two possible uses of water for industry.
(b) Outline two possible reasons for the conflict shown.
(c) Explain how a drainage basin functions as an open system.
(d) Compare the importance of river erosion and deposition in the development of floodplain landforms.
2. (a) (i) Define the term stream discharge.
(ii) State two river transport processes and outline how each process operates.
(b) Explain how hydrographs can be used to forecast and manage flooding.
(c) Examine the possible impacts of the mismanagement of groundwater resources.
Option B — Oceans and their coastal margins
3. (a) Outline the global distribution of oceans.
(b) Explain two ways in which wind action helps different coastal landforms to develop.
(c) “Geopolitical conflicts over oceans, including their resources, will only get worse in the future.” Discuss this statement.
4. If you choose to answer this question refer to the photograph on page 2 in the Resources Booklet.
The photograph shows an actively eroding cliff.
(a) State two subaerial processes that may affect the cliff in the photograph and briefly outline how each process operates.
(b) Explain two conflicts that could arise from attempts to manage cliff failure.
(c) Examine the contribution that conservation can make to protecting oceanic fish stocks.