Option A — Freshwater – issues and conflicts
1. (a) Outline two environmental problems that may occur downstream from multi-purpose dams.
(b) Define the concept of “maximum sustainable yield” of freshwater.
(c) With reference to one named river basin, explain two strategies that have been adopted to meet competing demands for water.
(d) “The negative consequences of river flooding always outweigh the benefits.”Discuss this statement.
2. The map shows potential and current hydro-electric power (HEP) production from major dams in some countries and regions in 2012.
(a) (i) State which country or world region has the highest undeveloped potential for HEP.
(ii) Estimate the current HEP production in terawatt hours for Europe.
(iii) Suggest two ways in which Australasia can be viewed as an anomaly to the general pattern shown on the map.
(b) Explain three factors that may produce a short time lag on a storm hydrograph.
(c) Compare the effectiveness of alternative stream management strategies, other than dams.
Option B — Oceans and their coastal margins
3. (a) Describe two characteristics of oceanic crust.
(b) (i) Briefly outline the oceanic circulation in the Pacific Ocean during an El Niño event.
(ii) Explain the wind and pressure systems in an El Niño event.
(c) Examine the spatial and temporal consequences of overfishing.
4. If you choose to answer this question refer to the map on page 2 in the resources booklet.
The map shows some of the threats to the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia.
(a) With reference to the map:
(i) describe the location of the Great Barrier Reef;
(ii) estimate the length in kilometres of the Great Barrier Reef;
(iii) suggest how two of the threats to the Great Barrier Reef shown on the map may damage coral.
(b) Explain two conflicts that may arise as a result of aquaculture.
(c) “The disposal of waste in the oceans is causing serious harm to people and places.”Discuss this statement.