1. (a) Briefly outline two processes of river erosion.
(b) (i) Explain how irrigation can lead to salinization.
(ii) Explain two consequences of salinization for farmers.
(c) Discuss the positive and negative hydrological impacts of dam and reservoir construction.
2. The diagram shows a storm hydrograph for a river.
(a) (i) State the lag time for the storm event shown on the hydrograph.
(ii) State how many hours the discharge was over 40 cumecs.
(iii) Outline why the rising limb on this hydrograph is steeper than the falling limb.
(b) Explain the formation of two landforms on a river floodplain.
(c) Discuss the environmental consequences of eutrophication and the pollution of aquifers.
3. If you choose to answer this question refer to the map on page 3 in the resources booklet.
The map shows part of the North Atlantic sea floor.
(a) Identify and briefly describe two landforms in box X.
(b) Using examples, explain two positive economic impacts that El Niño events can bring.
(c) “Geopolitical conflict is the inevitable outcome of human use of oceans.” Discuss this statement.
4. (a) (i) State two causes of a negative change in sea level.
(ii) Briefly describe one landform associated with an advancing coast.
(b) Using examples, explain two effects of the oceanic conveyor belt on different places.
(c) “The loss of coral reefs has more serious effects than the loss of mangrove swamps.” Discuss this statement.