1. The logarithmic graph shows the discharge of a river and the flood recurrence interval.
(a) (i) State the relationship between the discharge and the flood recurrence interval shown on the graph.
(ii) Suggest why a logarithmic graph was used to show these data.
(iii) Estimate the flood recurrence interval for a discharge of 10 000 cumecs.
(b) Suggest how changes over time in the amount of water stored as ice in the hydrological cycle could:
(i) lead to increased river flows;
(ii) affect the size of one or more other stores in the hydrological cycle.
(c) Examine the environmental impacts of agriculture on water quality.
2. If you choose to answer this question refer to the map on pages 2 and 3 in the resources booklet.
The map extract shows part of the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal.
The scale is 1:50 000 and the contour interval is 40 metres.
(a) (i) State the direction of flow of the Phungi Khola river at A.
(ii) Using map evidence, outline one reason why the Phungi Khola river is likely to have seasonal variations in its discharge.
(iii) Using map evidence, state why river discharge at B is likely to be significantly higher than at C throughout the year.
(b) Explain two hydrological changes that may result from the construction of a dam in an area such as the Sagarmatha National Park.
(c) With reference to one named river basin, discuss the different strategies used to meet the competing demands on the water supply.
3. The graph shows global trends in marine fish stocks between 1974 and 2014.
(a) (i) Outline the trend in overfished stocks shown on the graph.
(ii) Briefly outline one consequence of overfishing.
(b) Explain the occurrence of:
(i) mid-ocean ridges;
(ii) ocean trenches.
(c) Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to manage conflicting human pressures on one named area of coastline.